Factorio is a fantastic strategy and simulation game all about managing a growing factory in the face of a growing opposition to your own constructed factorio. Now today The Spiffing Brit Will be discovering if Factorio Is A Perfectly Balanced Game With No Exploits! We will be testing to see if with 500 Players in multiplayer we can speedrun the game faster than anyone else has! The current world record for a factorio multiplayer speed run is just under 2 hours! So logically if we slightly exploit the system by bringing in an extra 500 players we should be able to cheese that and win rather easily! Well naturally we will discover the power of the incredible massive multiplayer experience and watch 500 players build the best factory ever. With minimal efficiency of course due to just our massive numbers. This video game exploit video will be jam packed with a best bits funny moments montage style of editing similar to that of Valefisk, Robbaz and RTgame. So sit back relax and grab a cup of tea to enjoy with the spiffing brit! Magestic Merch: https://freshmerch.fm/collections/spiffing-brit Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/Spiffing Twitter: @thespiffingbrit Discord: https://discord.gg/spiffing title: FACTORIO IS A PERFECTLY BALANCED GAME WITH NO EXPLOITS - 500 Players Is Broken Strategy #funny #montage #Factorio